Now Internet Explorer will still be configured as the default web browser, but when you double-click on a. html extensions and then press the Save button. html documents, we would put a check mark next to the. As we want to make Google Chrome the default for opening. On this screen you can select the specific actions that you wish this program be set to the default. You will now be at the Set associations for a program screen. For example, if Internet Explorer is set to be your default browser, but you want Google Chrome to be used to open any locally saved HTML files, you would single click on the Google Chrome entry so it is highlighted and then select Choose defaults for this program. This allows you to fine-tune exactly which programs you want to use for certain tasks. To pick and choose what actions you wish a particular program to be the default for you can click on a program and then click on the Choose defaults for this program button. It is also possible to specify that a particular program will only be the default for certain actions.

All of the default actions that are related to web browsers will then be assigned to Google Chrome and Internet Explorer would no longer be used.

For example, if Internet Explorer is currently configured as the default browser and we wish Chrome to become the default, we would click on the Google Chrome entry and then click on the Set this program as default button. The easiest way to select a program to be the default one for all related actions is to just click on the program name and then click on the Set this program as default button. When you select a particular program to be the default one for its type of program, you can either configure it to be the default for all related tasks or you can specify the specific items that you wish it to be the default. Each program is configured to be able to handle certain default actions in Windows. On this screen you will see a list of all the installed programs that can be configured as a default in Windows. You should now see the Set Default Programs control panel screen. Then click on the Set your default programs search result. In Windows 8, type Set default programs from the Start Screen and then click on the Settings category. When the Set your default programs search result appears, please click on it. To configure your default programs in Windows Vista and Windows 7, you can click on the Start button and type Set default programs. Though this tutorial will not cover setting your default programs in Windows XP, the concepts are the same. This tutorial will walk you through configuring your default programs in Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. This default web browser will then be used whenever you perform a particular task in Windows that relates to web browsing such as clicking on links in emails or opening up HTML documents. For example, even if you have multiple web browsers installed in Windows, only one will be configured as the default. Windows will then use these default programs when a person performs a particular action in Windows. In Windows there are certain programs that are configured as the default one to use for certain tasks.